One of the main differences between both parties and the Diversity Party is how TDP candidates get on the ballot.
Therein lies the difference. The bi-partisan tradition in both parties is to allow whomever has the most money to run for office.
A local businessman who has a thriving furniture business decides to run for office as a Republican or Democrat.
That businessman candidate can run as a Democrat or Republican, but that candidate may or may not follow the party platform and policies.
That’s how we end up with whacky iterations of Democrat or Republican candidates for federal office.
That’s how we end up with low-information, low-brow candidates and officeholders, such as GOPer Marjorie Taylor Greene or Democrat Jared Moskowitz, Florida Congressman wearing his IDF uniform to the floor of Congress.
Political parties are corporations with officers and a Board of Directors.
Private corporations must operate pursuant to state and federal law and agency regulations, but are entitled to create their own internal policies, rules and regulations.
A majority of voters wish there was some kind of intelligence test or criminal background check to screen out low-IQ, low-brained individuals who have no business in public office; but such a federal candidate test codified into federal law and administered by a federal agency would be patently unconstitutional.
HOWEVER, a private corporation is legally authorized to create an internal criteria for employment hires.
TDP seeks to solicit candidate applications and vet those applicants pursuant to TDP policy and approval.
The purpose of vetting candidates and approving select candidates who meet TDP policy requirements, is to screen out candidates who TDP believes are incongruent with TDP platform and policies.
There will be no “loose cannons” in the TDP group - only candidates who sign employment contracts agreeing to support, promote and fight for a very specific TDP platform and agenda.
The purpose of vetting, contracting and organizing TDP candidates is to create a stable party and party platform that voters can rely upon to fight for and reach a very specific set of short-term and long-term party goals.
The purpose is to give voters a choice and a chance to support and vote for a political party that provides more stability and adherence to party platform and agenda than either the Democratic or Republican parties.
Voters need to know that when it comes to U.S. foreign policy, both Democrats and Republicans march in violent, warmongering lockstep over the dead bodies of Muslims in Muslim countries - for cash, prizes, multi-billion dollar no-bid U.S. gov’t contracts, personal religious commitments and beliefs.
TDP supports and practices the American democratic principle of separation of church and state in the promulgation of U.S. government policy and TDP policy/platform.
Congress is the banker for the U.S. military industrial complex (MIC), the U.S. media is the entertainment division of the MIC, and the DNC or RNC President is the Director of U.S. GLOBAL MASS MURDER INCORPORATED.
Democrats and Republicans know there is no money in Peace, but there’s plenty of no-bid, multi-billion dollar military contracts in state-sponsored conflict, occupations and war - an endless government gravy train for themselves and their clients: U.S. defense contractors who heavily invest in Democrats and Republicans.
Voters need to know that this bi-partisan crimewave of death, destruction, mass murder, racist policies and normalized hate speech will continue indefinitely UNTIL a new party establishes itself in the House and U.S. Senate.
TDP seeks to establish TDP candidates in the U.S. House and Senate beginning 2026.
TDP seeks to run a TDP Presidential candidate for U.S. President in 2028, by registering TDP as a political party on each state ballot.
TDP will "win the battle" before the "war begins."
What does that mean? That means TDP will produce a Presidential candidate who has an actual path to 270 electoral votes and thus an actual path to the White House; as opposed to the vanity campaign of RFK Jr., who did NOT get on the ballot in all 50 states.
Some TDP domestic platform planks are similiar to Democratic Party domestic planks, i.e. reproductive freedom, a living wage, paid family leave, paid daycare, pass the George Floyd Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, higher corporate tax rates for mega-corporations, a Billionaire's tax, etc.
However, TDP stands alone in supporting a long-term party goal to GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS AND FEDERAL ELECTIONS and support the public funding of federal campaigns.
Want to end AIPAC control of U.S. foreign policy? GET BIG MONEY OUT OF FEDERAL ELECTIONS.
Want to end corporate control of U.S. domestic policies? GET BIG MONEY OUT OF FEDERAL ELECTIONS.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans will GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS because the day We The People get BIG MONEY out of politics is the day We The People END SPECIAL INTEREST AND CORPORATE CONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT AND FEDERAL ELECTIONS.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans want to get BIG MONEY out of politics because getting big money out of politics means getting big money out of their lifestyles and having to live on a government salary of $174k instead.
That’s a bridge too far for Democrats and Republicans.
Let’s trade U.S. hegemony and global military dominance for global cooperation in battling climate change, world hunger and starvation, and the expansion of human rights acceptance.
Let's end U.S. bullying of nations at the United Nations and by military force.
Let’s trade bi-partisan paranoia and racial hatred for Russia, China, Iran and Palestinians for a new U.S. policy of acceptance and cooperation in the common interest of ending devastating manmade climate change and curbing spiralling national defense budgets here at home and elsewhere.
Let’s END this bi-partisan, warmongering madness of, “If we don’t fight them over there, we’ll have to fight them here at home in our streets.”
Let’s END U.S. intel agency lies and propaganda programs and replace those demons with a new U.S. policy of acceptance and global cooperation.
The beginning of the 21st century was marked by the infamous 2010 ruling CITIZENS UNITED, which codified into law BIG MONEY special interest/corporate control of government, designating money as free speech and corporations as people - except when it came to being thrown in jail.
Everyone on Capitol Hill knows that AIPAC controls Congress when it comes to U.S. foreign policy, and big corps and special interests control domestic policy.
However, recently AIPAC's desire to LOCK IN US BOMBS, BILLIONS AND BULLETS TO ISRAEL includes AIPAC controlling domestic policy as well, by targeting anti-Israel Democratic Party candidates in the Dem primaries and funding and running AIPAC Democrats against them.
The writing is on the wall: the American people are locked in a vicious cycle of BIG MONEY CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT. Question to be asked is, How do we end this repeating cycle of BIG MONEY CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT?
There's only two ways to get BIG MONEY out of federal elections, and that's by codifying such an act into law, or by expanding the U.S. Supreme Court to neuter this rogue, criminal Court we suffer today.
Problem is, Democrats and Republicans will never GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS AND ELECTIONS.
There's a lot of things Democrats and Republicans will never do, and that's why a new political party dedicated to short term and long-term goals on a very specific progressive platform is needed and wanted by a majority of Americans.
In October, 2023 a GALLUP poll indicated that 63% of Americans support a new political party:
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sixty-three percent of U.S. adults currently agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do “such a poor job” of representing the American people that “a third major party is needed.”
This represents a seven-percentage-point increase from a year ago and is the highest since Gallup first asked the question in 2003. However, the current measure is not meaningfully different from the prior highs of 61% in 2017 and 62% in 2021, shortly after the January 2021 Capitol Hill riots.
The American people are more than ready to support a new, viable, strong political party whose candidates and policies actually reflect the entire purpose of the U.S. Constitution and individual rights; and whose candidates sincerely care about people in this nation and across the globe.
Young voters haven't suffered a lifetime of pro-war propaganda and as such, view Democrats and Republicans as horrible Christian nationalists devoted to killing men, women and children in the name of "defending Israel," as Israelis mass murder Palestinians in tents with bombs that are MADE-IN-THE-USA.
Young voters believe they won't ever be able to afford to buy a house and instinctively know that Democrats and Republicans will never make things better, but make things worse for them.
Middle class workers are beginning to realize they wouldn't have to pay any federal income taxes if the IRS would collect a 28% corporate tax rate.
Unfortunately, neither Democrats nor Republicans will ever fight to end federal income taxes for middle class wage earners because they believe workers must "have some skin in the game" and pay their "fair share" of taxes - AS IF workers who didn't pay federal taxes did not contribute to increased company value and stock prices; and the local and US economy by paying sales taxes on products, goods and services.
Older voters are finally realizing that the solution to funding Social Security for the next 100 years is by simply raising the cap on Social Security taxes for very high wage earners; or my favorite: raising, enforcing, collecting a full 28% corporate tax on all corporations with assets in excess of a half billion dollars.
Voters 18-40 are more likely to work for and support a new political party IF they knew that party was truly dedicated to reaching very specific short-term and long-term goals they believe Democrats and Republicans will never reach.
The old, stale conventional bi-partisan political wisdom says diversity and DEI breed weakness in education and employment, but the fact is America is becoming more ethnically and socially diversified whether they like it or not.
I named this party The Diversity Party because I wanted a party name that younger voters could identify with and didn't have to worry about it being a conventional political party.
The purpose of the Diversity Party is to give voice and power to the majority will of The People.
TDP short-term goals are to run TDP candidates for office in 2026 and every two years afterwards, and produce a TDP candidate for President in 2028.
A long-term goal of TDP is to become the majority party in Congress.
TDP recognizes a historical lack of diversity in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.
TDP seeks to ethnically diversify the House and the Senate away from the disproportionate white majority currently in power. Currently six out of ten Congresspersons are white.
TDP is a pro-peace, pro-choice, pro-worker, progressive party.

Wrote party agenda, planks of party platform, party agenda and created original website, party logos, media and website content; 50-state national ballot access plan;
Press release production/distribution/mgmt;
Candidate training;
Party Chair training;
Candidate/Party Chair management;
TV/Interview/Media booking agent;
Candidate campaign video and content production;
Create national party and state campaign ad content;
Produce TDP national issue ads:
*women’s reproductive rights; paid family leave; paid daycare;
*human right to be free of gun violence;
*worker’s right to a living wage;
*consumer’s right to 12-month product and services price freezes; (w/fed rebate for producer cost increases)
*patient right to fully-paid federal healthcare;
*student right to fully-funded federal education grants and living expense;
*teacher right to higher salaries and federal classroom expense vouchers;
*employee rights: time, wages, unions;
*voters right to free and fair elections;
*human right to clean air, water and healthy food; agency oversight;
*Climate Change: End Government by Fossil Fuel and GO GREEN with clean renewable energy sources;
*community right to be free of police and street violence;
*humanization of Palestinians; normalization of Palestinian statehood and permanent Peace between Palestinians and Israelis featuring bi-lateral security guarantees; U.S. defense of Israel and Permanent Peace awaits Israelis at their natural, pre-invasion borders.
*STOP-THE-HATE! Stop hating single mothers, LGBTQ, election workers, minorities, citizens of foreign nations;
Solicit and vet party candidates and party chairs;
Candidate Speechwriting;
Video production studio operations;
Video Editing;
Audio/Video Engineering;
Select and train party chairs;
Distribute TDP state signature plans to 50 party chairs;
Manage 50 state signature acquisition campaign via party chairs;
Manage national party registration via party chairs;
Create and manage party databases and voter/member email lists;
Vet, select and train party candidates;
Manage candidate state registration process;
Produce party candidate campaign videos/ads for web and broadcast;
Manage national party rollout; hip-hop/celebrity TDP fundraisers; strategic campaign press conferences and releases;
TDP will bring hip-hop into mainstream politics in a real and tangible, results-oriented kind of way.
Share. Win. Grow. Thrive.
When TDP voters vote, they know they are voting for a TDP agenda and a TDP candidate who will fight for our specific TDP agenda and platform.
2024-2025 TDP Startup Budget
General Manager: $120k - August 2024 through August 2025
Duties: Produce national ballot access plan; establish 50 party chairs in 50 states;
initiate and co-ordinate signature drives via party chairs;
establish party registration in all 50 states;
create and produce web content and intra-party content for party chairs, signature drives;
establish and consult legal representation; incorporate and develop tax strategy and structure;
establish media accounts;
maintain and update party website;
create logo design for T-shirts, caps, etc.
produce premier party video;
Begin candidate solicitation and vetting process;
create and produce party policy for candidates and party chairs;
Goals: nationwide party registration under our party name; establish 50 party chairs in 50 states; establish candidate base; establish volunteer base;
Expenses: T-shirts, jackets, hoodies, caps, temp workers for signature drive, initial legal consultation, state registration fees;
Ronald Harold - 720.576.8329
2004 Federal Blvd.
Denver, Co. 80211

Manal: I know I can write and produce TDP ads that will not only educate and inform the American voter that permanent Peace is possible when Israel complies with U.N. Res. 242, but also set the stage for a TDP President to achieve permanent peace between Israelis and Palestinians by enforcing U.N. Res. 242 and by the US supporting statehood for Palestinians at the United Nations and in the Security Council.
TDP ads can promote permament and lasting Peace for Israel and Palestinians through bi-lateral compliance with int'l law and bi-lateral security guarantees.
Voters need to know that in 2017, Hamas officially changed their charter from "driving Jews into the sea" to seeking permanent Peace with Israel based on Palestinian statehood in Gaza and the West Bank, based on Israel's pre-1967 borders.
Bringing this fact to voters and the media's attention will result in Israeli and US Zionists admitting to voters that Israel has no intention of following any international law, much less U.N. Res. 242 to end the Occupation and bring permanent Peace to Israel.
Again, this sets the stage in the minds of voters wanting and hoping for a permanent Peace between Israelis and Palestinians. This sets the stage for broad support for a U.S. President who tries to resolve this conflict diplomatically, but has to enforce U.N. Res. 242 for the benefit of all living and future generations of Israelis and Palestinians.
American voters understand that sometimes good medicine tastes bad, but cures well.
Israelis have relied upon AIPAC control of U.S. elected officials and foreign policy for decades, but now they are feeling US political sands shifting underneath their feet - thus, the hate-filled, anti-progressive speech Netanyahu served Congress and the American people on July 27, 2024.
Here's what I wrote about Netanyahu's speech:
Here's what I wrote about Kamala Harris' response to Netanyahu's speech and her meeting with him:
Here's Netanyahu responding to Harris post-meeting speech:
Finally, voters need to know that US federal law strictly prohibits the US from providing US arms to any government who utilizes US arms in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity.
TDP considers Israel's occupation, Gaza blockade, mass murder and mass imprisonment of millions of Palestinians for generations as de facto war crimes against the Palestinian people and as such, disqualifies Israel from receiving US arms; until when and if Israel complies with U.N. Res. 242.
No U.S. President from either the DNC or RNC will ever END THE OCCUPATION.
No bi-partisan Congress will ever END THE OCCUPATION.
No foreign President or Prime Minister will ever END THE OCCUPATION.
Clearly neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump will END THE OCCUPATION.
I do not see an end to the Occupation for another 75 years; UNTIL IF AND WHEN a new political party President takes office and executive action to END THE OCCUPATION AND CREATE PERMANENT PEACE.
You can bet that when Kamala Harris met with Netanyahu yesterday on 25 July, 2024, Netanyahu easily forced Harris to promise to never stop sending US arms to Israel under any circumstances and I believe she handily agreed to that notion.
Harris did the politically expedient thing for her campaign, which is to tell voters that she supports a ceasefire, bringing the hostages home and a two-state solution.
How would Harris answer these questions about her position?
If you're serious about supporting a ceasefire, why don't you cut off US arms to Israel until Israel ceasefires and removes the IDF from Gaza?
Millions of Palestinians are literally starving to death and face public health catastrophes as we speak; children dying from starvation, malnutrition, disease and sickness; Why won't you do what it takes to feed the children and restore public health infrastructure, running water, sewage and electricity?
You claim you want to bring the hostages home - there's no evidence that you or the Israelis want to bring the hostages home as you and Netanyahu cosistently and continuously refuse Hamas' offer to release ALL THE HOSTAGES MONTHS AGO, IF ISRAEL ENDS MILITARY OPERATIONS IN GAZA AND WITHDRAWS FROM GAZA.
You claim you support a two-state solution. I do not believe you. On whose boundaries do you support a two-state solution? It is completely disingenous for Harris or any US official to claim they support a two-state solution WITHOUT discussing how to enforce U.N. Res. 242 on Israel, without discussing the decades long fact and reality of Israel's military blockade of millions of Palestinians.
How will Kamala Harris force Netanyahu and Israel to accept a two-state solution on any boundaries, much less the legal lawful boundaries the world community recognizes as belonging to the Palestinian people?
How will Harris force Israel to withdraw the IDF and wild settlers from Palestinian land?
The truth is Harris offers nothing but more politically-expedient platitudes while Israel continues to murder Palestinians with American bombs each and every day and night.
Harris cannot serve two masters without turmoil in her private and professional life.
Harris will not JUST SAY NO to her Zionist husband and his friends, much less JUST SAY NO to Israel.
Israelis can count on Harris to do nothing to END THE OCCUPATION, just as Israelis know that NO Democratic Party President or Republican President will ever END THE OCCUPATION.
In fact, Netanyahu appeared before Congress for two political purposes: to try to shore up support for him at home; and to directly attack progressives and anti-Israel protesters in hopes of Congress passing a federal law criminalizing free speech against Israel.
Netanyahu and Israeli officials maliciously interfere in US elections and politics to ensure THE OCCUPATION AND THE FLOW OF US TAX DOLLARS TO ISRAEL NEVER ENDS.
There's only one realistic, obvious way to END THE OCCUPATION: it's going to take a TDP President to take unilateral executive action to force Israel to comply with U.N. Res. 242 and withdraw from the Palestinian territories.
A U.S. President is duly authorized to send US forces anywhere in the world for at least 90 days without Congressional approval, oversight or even knowledge.
U.S. forces can easily enforce U.N. Resolution 242 on the Israelis at Israel's pre-1967 borders.
A TDP President could summon a Palestinian representative not named Mahmoud Abbas, an Israeli PM and Defense Minister to the White House for a meeting to seek a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
If no diplomatic solution can be reached, then the President could inform Israeli officials that a decision to END THE OCCUPATION and military blockade of Gaza, to make way for the establishment of a Palestinian state based on Israel's pre-invasion borders has already been made - preferrably with the cooperation of Israel.
A TDP President could reveal the great social, business and financial benefits of Israel peacefully and willingly complying with U.N. Res. 242 and signing the President's permanent Peace agreement.
A TDP President's Joint Chief of Staffs could clearly remind and explain to the Israeli defense minister that the IDF is incapable of preventing US forces from enforcing U.N. Res. 242 on Israel's pre-1967 borders; and as such, seek and expect Israel's voluntary compliance with U.N. Resolution 242 and the President's "Everlasting Peace Agreement."
A TDP President and party could present and promote the party's "Everlasting Peace Agreement" as THE PATH TO PERMANENT PEACE between Palestinians and Israelis.
TDP can normalize Palestinian statehood and permanent Peace for the Israelis in national ads depicting Israelis and Palestinians living side-by-side in Peace upon Israeli compliance with U.N. Res. 242.
Of course Netanyahu and Israeli officials have always preached that Israel will never, ever comply with U.N. Res. 242 and never withdraw back to Israel's pre-1967 borders.
And that's the kind of public discourse TDP seeks between a TDP President, Israeli officials, the US media and voters: US officials, Presidents and the US media have been lying to the American people about Israel's true intentions.
The US media, Congress and now Kamala Harris faithfully repeat the lie that Israelis just want to live side-by-side with Palestinians in Peace - nothing could be further from the truth.
TDP will inform Americans that Israelis oppose a two-state solution because Israelis believe Gaza and the West Bank belong to Israel and Palestinians are simply squatters living on Jewish land, to be expelled, neutered and exterminated.
Americans have been fooled and propagandized into falsely believing that BUT FOR PALESTINIAN WILD-EYED MUSLIM TERRORISTS WHO WANT TO KILL ALL THE JEWS, Palestinians and Israelis would be living side-by-side in Peace.
US officials and the US media receive no political pushback for casting Palestinians as violent Islamic extremists who hate Jews for being Jewish and want to drive Jews into the sea.
TDP will provide that political pushback the American people need to see and hear the truth of the matter: Israelis are hardcore war criminals who abhor and disregard int'l law and human rights in favor of stealing Palestinian land, exterminating and expelling Palestinians to make way for Israeli infrastructure and communities.
That is what the evidence shows and proves, but here in America US officials like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump continue to promote the false notion that Israelis just want to live side-by-side with Palestinians in Peace.
A TDP President could ask Palestinians to sign the President's "Everlasting Peace Agreement" in support of Palestinian statehood based on Israel's pre-1967 borders.
Such an agreement would have to include Palestinian authorization for US forces to temporarily be present on Palestinian land for the express purpose of enforcing U.N. Res. 242 on Palestinian-Israeli pre-1967 borders; and bi-lateral security guarantees of no cross-border military activities of any kind.
A TDP President and party cannot and should not be cast as anti-semitic or anti-Israel, as the Diversity Party supports Peace for Israel and the U.S. defense of Israel at Israel's pre-1967 borders.
America voters need to see national ads depicting Peace between Israelis and Palestinians by virtue of Israel complying with U.N. 242 AND AGREEING TO END ALL HOSTILITIES TOWARDS PALESTINIANS in exchange for Palestinian statehood on the Palestinian and Israeli borders in place prior to Israel's invasion and occupation of the Palestinian territories.
When TDP national ads show the truth of the matter to the American people, Democrats and Republicans will have to defend the indefensible; American Zionists should be forced to defend Israel ignoring and violating int'l law to demonstrate and reveal to voters the true intentions of American Zionists and Israeli officials.
Kamala Harris nor any other DNC or RNC President will ever get tough with Israel and bring an END TO THE OCCUPATION by forcing Israel to comply with U.N. Res. 242.
Only a TDP President can use diplomacy to coax Israelis into signing the President's "Everlasting Peace Agreement."
Only a TDP President will give Israel a path to permanent Peace with Palestinians either by voluntary or forced compliance with U.N. Res. 242.
TDP national ads will set the stage for widespread, universal acceptance that permanent and lasting Peace between Israelis and Palestinians is possible by Israel complying with int'l law and U.N. Res. 242; and by the U.S. supporting and advocating sovereign statehood for the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza.
TDP national ads and TDP content could show and inform the American voter that Hamas is indeed seeking permanent Peace with Israelis by establishing a Palestinian state on Palestinian-Israeli pre-invasion borders.
When I served as adviser to Cong. Dennis Kucinich through two U.S. presidential campaigns and cycles, I asked Dennis why doesn't he publicly speak about ending the Occupation?
Dennis told me that he would never be elected President if he talks about ending the Occupation, but he would take executive action to end the Occupation once he becomes President. That was 2000-2004.
Today thanks to information-sharing, the American people are far more aware of Israeli war crimes than in 2004.
I contend TDP candidates should tell reporters and voters: "TDP supports our 'Everlasting Peace Plan' that can bring permanent Peace between Israelis and Palestinians, based on Israel complying with international law and U.N. Res. 242.
The American people need to know that we are halfway to permanent Peace between Israelis and Palestinians because Hamas is seeking permanent Peace with the Israelis based on the US supporting Palestinian statehood at Israel's pre-1967 borders.
Hamas has agreed to disband ALL Palestinian resistance groups when Israel complies with U.N. Res. 242 and Palestinian statehood is established in Gaza and the West Bank.
TDP candidates can easily chastize and hold Democrat and GOP officials to account by repeating the following:
"Republicans claim they want Peace in the Middle East. Democrats claim they support a two-state solution. But neither breathe a single word about Israel complying with U.N. Res. 242 to end the Occupation and blockade of Gaza to make permanent Peace for all.
President Harris and Democrats claim they support a two-state solution, but on what boundary lines?
The world community and legal scholars from across the globe recognize the legal fact that Israel invaded Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in June of 1967 and the world community came together at the United Nations on November 22, 1967 and voted to ORDER ISRAEL OUT OF THE PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES via U.N. Resolution 242.
The Road to Peace - permanent, everlasting Peace between Israelis and Palestinians begins with Israel complying with U.N. Res. 242 and withdrawing to Israel's pre-invasion, pre-1967 borders.
American voters need to witness firsthand Israeli leaders and officials appearing on US networks and rejecting a TDP Peace plan or agreement that features PERMANENT PEACE based on Israeli compliance with int'l law and U.N. Res. 242.
American voters need to see bi-partisan Zionists shamelessly defending the indefensible: Israel's ongoing, non-stop, 75-year long illegal Occupation and mass imprisonment of the Palestinian people.
American voters need to see TDP ads presenting and normalizing permanent Peace between Israelis and Palestinians, when Israel complies with int'l law and U.N. Res. 242; those ads need to show TDP support for Palestinian statehood based on Israel's pre-1967 borders AND TDP support for defending Israel at Israel's original state borders.

Ronald Harold - Founder and General Manager
The Diversity Party
Political party advocating for social, economic and environmental justice.
© 2025 The Diversity Party | All rights reserved.