There's only a few ways to get BIG MONEY out of U.S. elections:
*U.S. Constitutional Amendment
*Eliminate the Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court with a majority who will accept a legal challenge to CITIZENS UNITED
*Codify Mandatory Public Funding of U.S. Elections
Women and the men who love them had better WAKE UP to the reality that this woman-hating Republican-confederate Supreme Court will rule over your life and your kids lives for decades to come; unless We The People elect a new party President to the White House who will take executive action to end Republican wholesale destruction of U.S. Constitutional rights and American democracy.
Joe Biden could have expanded the Supreme Court to a Dem majority, but he refused to do so, remaining perfectly content to allow this rogue, misogynistic Court to systematically destroy women's enumerated and unenumerated U.S. Const. rights.
You didn't have to be Kreskin to predict that this GOP majority on the Court was going to overturn ROE.
Lifelong Catholic anti-abortionist Joe Biden had two years to codify ROE into federal law, but failed to get it done.
The DNC and Democratic Party OPPOSES expanding the Supreme Court to a Democratic Party majority on the Court - you hear that sound? That's the sound of big Republican Party wheels rolling over the smoked carcass of "bi-partisan Democrats."
Republicans don't give a rat's ass about "bi-partisanship" - nor should they; Republicans use "bi-partisanship" as a date rape drug on Dumbo Democrats.
Voters had better WAKE UP to the reality that Democrats nor Republicans will ever GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS AND U.S. ELECTIONS.
Virtually all of our political problems are a subset of the MAIN PROBLEM of BIG MONEY IN POLITICS.
Eliminating BIG MONEY from U.S. elections is the Number One Long Term Goal of TDP.
Democrats nor Republicans will ever vote to eliminate BIG MONEY from politics and U.S. elections precisely because that would end BIG DONOR CONTROL of U.S. elections and end the bi-partisan, multi-billion dollar political consultation industry.
The day We The People eliminate BIG MONEY from U.S. elections by instituting MANDATORY PUBLIC FUNDING OF ALL U.S. CAMPAIGNS, is the day We The People end foreign lobby control of U.S. foreign policy and end corporate and special interest control of domestic policy.
The Diversity Party
Political party advocating for social, economic and environmental justice.
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