The Diversity Party
Progressive policies: Pro-Choice, Pro-Peace, Pro-Human Rights, Pro-Worker, Pro-Union, Pro-Public Schools

The Diversity Party -is a Peoples Party
for the middle and low-income class
The Diversity Party is a progressive political party dedicated to representing and advancing the middle and low-income class voter.

Inspiring change
A new party for a new direction
Democrats and Republicans will never eliminate BIG MONEY from politics and U.S. elections. Why not?
Because the day We The People eliminate BIG MONEY from politics by instituting mandatory public funding of federal elections, will be the day corporations and special interest groups no longer control domestic policy; and illegal, unregistered foreign lobby groups such as AIPAC will no longer dictate U.S. foreign policy.
Democrats and Republicans will never eliminate their wealthy donor class and billion dollar bi-partisan political consultation schemes, much less end the awful 24-month federal campaign season.
TDP supports a 90-day publicly-funded federal campaign season featuring Social Security Voting.
TDP supports the complete elimination of federal income taxes for the middle class and low-income class.
TDP supports RAISING THE CAP on persons earning more than $250,000 annually, which would fund Social Security for the next 50-75 years.
Currently, billionaires and anyone earning more than $250k are paying ZERO SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES.
TDP supports a 2028 TDP U.S. Presidential candidate who will appoint a U.S. Attorney General who will enforce existing federal law on illegal foreign lobby groups operating in the USA and enforce federal law on members of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate who violate insider trading laws, the U.S. ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT, U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT and other existing federal laws this bi-partisan boondoogle are accustomed to violating without fear of federal prosecution.
TDP supports a 2028 TDP U.S. Presidential candidate who will utilize new-found executive authority to expand the U.S. Supreme Court to a TDP majority on the brand new U.S. Supreme Court - courtesy of the July 2024 ruling the GOP Supreme Court issued expanding the power of the President to an infinite degree of power usually found in dictatorships.
Despite the results of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, TDP contends a majority of voters are pro-choice, pro-peace, pro-union, pro-worker, and support a large pro-billionaire tax on the American billionaire class of over 1,000 U.S. billionaires.
TDP is a progressive, pro-Peace, pro-Choice, pro-Union, party

Progressive Solutions-For-All
The Diversity Party offers new and innovative progressive solutions to longstanding, complex individual and institutionalized problems.
With each passing day the U.S. population, electorate and workforce are becoming more diverse - not less diverse! - every day!
An Increasingly Diverse America

The Diversity Party sets short term and long term goals that must be reached if We The People are to ever transcend the bi-partisan grip on government.

Eliminating BIG MONEY from U.S. elections and politics
Eliminating BIG MONEY from U.S. elections is something neither Democrats nor Republicans will ever do. Here's how we do it:
Controlling Inflation, Shrinkflation, Corporate Greed
TDP has specific solutions for controlling inflation, greedflation and shrinkflation:

Expanding this rogue, criminal GOP Supreme Court
TDP recognizes the imperative need to expand this rogue, criminal Supreme Court to a TDP majority on the Court, and here's how:
TDP Agenda
The Diversity Party (TDP) seeks to free voters from choosing between more of the same and choosing a new path forward - a progressive political party that seeks to empower the worker and the family and bring corporate and government criminals to criminal, civil and economic justice.
TDP prefers and pursues single-payer universal healthcare to end bi-partisan co-pays, deductibles and medical donut holes; TDP supports a loophole-free, 35% corporate tax rate on mega-corporations with assets in excess of $500 million. TDP supports eliminating federal income taxes for workers earning less than $1 million annually, based on IRS enforcement and collection of a 35% corporate tax rate.
TDP is pro-choice, pro-peace, pro-worker and family, pro-public education and believes that government is what We The People make it.
TDP supports some of the same domestic policies progressive Democrats fight for: paid child care and pre-K; paid family and medical leave; paid college and trade school; eliminate student debt; eliminate medical debt; increased Medicare/Medicaid funding.
However when it comes to U.S. foreign policy, TDP seeks to promulgate U.S. foreign policy in accordance with federal and international law; and create U.S. foreign policy based on national and global objective reality instead of creating U.S. gov't policy based on personal religious beliefs and/or goals.
TDP seeks to educate and empower you regarding your U.S. Constitutional rights and how to enforce your U.S. Constitutional rights when local, state or federal officials violate your rights, privileges and immunities afforded by the U.S. Constitution.
Voters are sick and tired of politicians promising the moon but delivering a PAST DUE BILL INSTEAD.
Every day Democrats and Republicans misinform and mislead voters into supporting things and interests that do not represent your interests.
TDP offers the political, structural and organizational continuity to reach the long term goals a majority of voters seek, support and fight for.
TDP recognizes and establishes the party goal of getting BIG MONEY OUT OF FEDERAL ELECTIONS as the Number One long-term goal voters want and need.
The day We The People get BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS is the day We The People take control of our government from crooked Congresspersons, Senators, lobbyists, special interest groups, AIPAC and a host of billionaire-funded think-tanks and groups in the Capitol Hill area.
You can help establish a new progressive political party dedicated to doing things Democrats failed to do and things Republicans will never do:
*Get BIG MONEY out of politics and federal elections
*Public funding of U.S. elections
*End the Elections Nightmare (SSV)
*End US Proxy Wars and Occupations
*End Federal Income Tax for Workers;
*Codify Women's Reproductive Rights
*Child Tax Credits
*Fully-paid Senior and Child Daycare
*Expanded Medicaid/Medicare
*Increased Social Security payments
*Pass the George Floyd Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the Freedom to Vote Act;
The Diversity Party (TDP) seeks to run party candidates for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate in 2026; and produce a TDP U.S. Presidential candidate in 2028 on our innovative TDP progressive platform.
There is no substitute for putting a new political party on the ballot in each state.
Our goal is to achieve nationwide ballot access before the end of 2025, in time to run party candidates for office in the 2026 mid-term elections.
Once a political party is on the ballot in each state, then that party can put a party candidate for political offices in each state; including automatic ballot placement for a 2028 U.S. Presidential candidate in each state.
The longest journey begins with a single step.

We The People need a political party that truly advances the cause of the poor and middle class as Democrats and Republicans allow their donor class - greedy corporations to post record profits from record-setting retail prices.
In the 2024 U.S. elections Trump and Republicans accused Democrats of causing inflation while Trump and the GOP promised to lower inflation.
Republicans intentionally conflate greedflation with inflation.
Basically textbook inflation occurs when retail prices increase due to increased demand for goods and services outpacing supply.
Greedflation occurs when corporations raise retail prices irrespective of supply and demand.
Shrinkflation is when corporations raise unit prices while shrinking unit sizes.
President-elect Donald Trump vowed on the campaign trail to lower inflation. About half of Trump voters said higher prices were the largest factor in their decision, according to AP VoteCast.
But the Federal Reserve is independent of the President and uses interest rates to encourage or discourage borrowing money, which leads to more or less spending. So how much control does the president actually have over inflation?
Trump is going to dramatically raise the deficit on Day One in office by permanently extending Trump's 2017 trillion dollar tax cuts for his wealthy donors and billionaire golfing buddies - NOT FOR YOU AND ME, but just for the wealthy.
The fact is history teaches us that Republican Presidents and past administrations do not create jobs, Republicans do not address greedflation or shrinkflation; and Republicans do not use government power to benefit the consumer.
Republicans defend corporate personhood: the GOP believes corporations have the same rights as a person, money is free speech, and corporations have a right to increase corporate profits without regard to anything other than raising corporate profits.
Be sure and remember how well the U.S. economy and job market is doing right now, because four years from now Democrats will be asking the same old question: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? And the answer will be a resounding YES, I was better off four years ago.
We are suffering GREEDFLATION or SHRINKFLATION, not textbook inflation, as corporations raise unit prices while lowering unit size. Since the pandemic, we're not suffering material and supply shortgages, but are in short supply of government regulation of private markets.
If left unchecked, corporations will raise prices several times a year or in response to periods of high demand.
TDP supports a two-year price control period of unit price stabilization to maintain uniform price levels FOR THE CONSUMER FOR 24 MONTHS, featuring federal tax credits for approved corporate price increase requests.
TDP supports awarding federal tax credits to companies who meet the standard for approved price increase requests.
The purpose of such a two-year price control period and federal tax subsidies is to prevent price surges due to supply issues and to prevent corporate greedflation, while avoiding penalizing companies for legitimate price increase needs.
TDP supports corporate price controls managed by a federal pricing agency that processes corporate applications for price increases and either grants or denies such applications based on agency policy.
Applications will be denied absent sufficient categorical justification for requested price increase.
Upon approval of said corporate price increase request, federal tax credits accrue for applicant until the end of the price control period to reimburse applicant for approved price control increases.
TDP reminds you that consumers' interest go to the back of the corporate bus while maximizing profits for shareholders always ride shotgun.
TDP supports regulated capitalism.
TDP supports the promotion and expansion of employee-owned co-operatives instead of top-down, billionaire-driven employment.

The Diversity Party
Political party advocating for social, economic and environmental justice.
© 2024 The Diversity Party | All rights reserved.