TDP supports passing the George Floyd Act, re-structuring emergency community services and the Donte Wright Act, which decriminalizes all non-violent misdemeanors

Police Reform
TDP supports passing the George Floyd Act
It's been over four years since police officer killed George Floyd, yet Congress has failed to pass the George Floyd Act. Why is that?
Republicans absolutely OPPOSE the George Floyd Act because the GFA would eliminate qualified immunity for police officers, and consider such a notion a "dealbreaker." Says who? Says GOP Sen. Tim Scott, whom Republicans appointed to represent the GOP position in negotiations with Democrats and GFA leader Cory Booker.
To his credit, Sen. Booker tried for a whole year to get Tim Scott and Republicans to support the George Floyd Act, but Scott and Republicans refused to budge on qualified immunity.
Police officers have no business enjoying qualified immunity, as doctors, nurses, surgeons, specialists - ALL remain liable for their professional actions in a court of law - so why should police be any different?
Why should police officers be exempt from the same liability and accountability to society that trusted professionals must abide by?
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