Permanent Peace Plan

Permanent Peace is possible through bi-lateral compliance with int'l law and security guarantees based on Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders

The “Everlasting Peace Agreement” establishes permanent Peace for generations to come by President Harris or a new party President supporting Palestinian statehood at the U.N. and the U.N. Security Council on the pre-1967, pre-invasion borders, featuring multi-lateral security agreements amongst Israelis, Palestinians and Hezbollah based on Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders.

The key to a U.S. President or a President Harris successfully implementing such a permanent Peace plan is to first recognize that in 2017, Hamas changed their original charter from “driving Jews into the sea” to a new policy of no more cross border attacks or rocket launches in exchange for statehood in Gaza and the West Bank on pre-invasion borders.

What makes Hamas’ offer even more valid, are the legal and historical facts and rights of the Palestinian people in this matter: for example, Israel invaded and occupied Palestinian and Syrian land in June of 1967, and has maintained an illegal Occupation and/or military blockade of millions of Palestinians on Palestinian land to this day.

On November 22, 1967 the world community came together at the United Nations seeking to end Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land and issued U.N. Resolution 242 ordering Israel to fully withdraw from Palestinian territories and to recognize Palestinians’ Right of Return.

To this day Israel has consistently refused to de-occupy Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Syria’s Golan Heights and refuses to comply with U.N. Res. 242.

Netanyahu has repeatedly stated that Israel will never, ever comply with U.N. Res. 242 under any circumstances.


On Jan. 21, 2025, if Kamala enters the White House as President, Kamala will have a chance to END THE OCCUPATION AND KILLING and support/vote Palestinian statehood at the U.N. Security Council and implement the President’s permanent Peace plan on pre-invasion borders, per U.N. Res. 242 and multi-lateral security guarantees.

Kamala has a lot of strength, character and courage, but I don’t think she has the strength, character and courage to tell her handlers and advisers to PISS OFF, I’M DOING WHAT I THINK IS BEST FOR ISRAEL, PALESTINIANS AND THE U.S.


Kamala needs to realize the following:

*Kamala should seek Israel’s approval and participation in implementing the President’s Peace plan; BUT IF THEY DON’T, Kamala must implement the President’s plan anyway, in order to establish generational Peace for Israelis and Palestinians.

*Do not trust or deal with the Palestinian Authority, as the PA are hated by the Palestinian people because the PA works with Israelis to kill, abuse and jail West Bank Palestinians.

*Ignore the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Hillary Clinton who OPPOSE ANY MORE FREE ELECTIONS IN GAZA and the West Bank;

*SUPPORT and call for new free and fair elections in the Palestinian territories.

*Recognize that the Hamas government was duly-elected in free and fair democratic elections monitored by Jimmy Carter; Hillary infamously said, Had she known that the Palestinian people were going to elect a Hamas government, SHE WOULD NOT HAVE ALLOWED ELECTIONS TO TAKE PLACE.

*Recognize that any new, free and fair elections will very most likely result in another Hamas government being elected to represent and protect the Palestinian people.

*Recognize that no matter who the Palestinian people elect as their government representatives, the Palestinian people do in fact enjoy a legal right under int’l law and the Geneva Conventions to be free of state-sponsored Occupation from any state military power; and enjoy a legal and lawful right to form armed resistance groups to use deadly force of any kind to free the Palestinian people from state-sponsored occupation, blockades, routine state-sponsored assassinations and mass murder.

*Kamala should explain to the Israeli PM the great, massive and permanent benefits of voluntary compliance with the President’s Peace plan:

1) the economic impact of no longer spending a majority of the Israeli budget on preparing for war with Hamas and Hezbollah;

2) the great economic and social benefit of permanently ending worldwide sanctions and global hatred of the Israeli government, people and businesses;

3) the economic impact of new and improved trade with Israel and global acceptance of Israeli tech firms and businesses;

4) the long-term economic benefit of operating an Israeli economy uninterrupted by war, rocket attacks, cross border attacks.

Kamala AND HER CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF could show the Israeli PM that Israel has more good reason to voluntarily comply with the President’s Peace plan, than to engage in non-compliance.

Kamala should give the Israeli PM 45 days to comply with the President permanent Peace plan, by Israeli forces removing the 750,000 settlers illegally living in mostly apartment buildings in the West Bank and to fully withdraw all IDF personnel and Israelis from the Palestinian territories and return to their homeland on Israel’s pre-invasion borders.

It wouldn’t be the first time Israel used the IDF to force Israeli settlers out of the West Bank, or else President George H.W. Bush and the U.S. would have cut off funds to Israel.

By the way, a U.S. President can no longer unilaterally cut U.S. funds to Israel as Zionists Republican Marco Rubio and Democratic Party Senator Chris Coons came together a few years ago to draft and pass a bi-partisan bill that removes Israel from Congressional “discretionary spending” over to “non-discretionary spending.”

Democrats and Republicans didn’t want a U.S. President or any future Congressional legislative session to easily cut off U.S. funds to Israel, so Rubio and Coons made damn sure that Israel would get U.S. tax dollars no matter who was in the White House or Congress - that’s why Israel gets paid out of the same U.S. General Fund that Social Security payments are paid from - non-discretionary spending programs.

In other words, Kamala needs to tell the Israeli PM, “The jig’s up, it’s time for Israel to comply with U.N. Res. 242 and go home and enjoy the permanent Peace that Israeli compliance with U.N. Res. 242 will bring.”

Kamala, if you are President on January 21, 2025 and if Netanyahu hasn’t been removed from his position as Israeli PM, you can expect Netanyahu to refuse your Peace plan in your face in the Oval Office, and when he does, you tell him this:

”I made my decision to permanently establish Peace for and between Israelis and Palestinians prior to my inviting you here to discuss this with me.

I want current and future generations of Israelis and Palestinians to enjoy the great benefits of Israeli compliance with my Peace plan and international law, instead of denying those benefits and continuing to suffer war with Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran.

Mister Netanyahu, as you and your defense minister and cabinet know, and as my Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has explained, the IDF is incapable of preventing forced compliance with U.N. Res. 242.

I’m giving Israel a 45-day window of opportunity to realize that voluntary compliance is the best move for Israel and will actually make you a hero and historical figure in the “New Israel” that knows permanent Peace for generations to come.

You can’t kill and murder your way out of your Occupation, but you can bring real, lasting permanent Peace to each and every Israeli and Palestinian, and end your beef with Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran by voluntarily ending Israel’s blockade of Gaza, go home and take your 750,000 settlers with you, otherwise we’ll clean up this mess for once, for good and for all starting on Day 46.” - President Kamala Harris

Ron Harold: “I wrote this not in hopes that Kamala will adopt such a permanent Peace plan, because I seriously doubt that Kamala will ever do any of the things that I suggest in my permanent Peace plan, but I wanted to demonstrate what a non-DNC, non-RNC President could do to establish permanent Peace in the Middle East, if elected to the White House in 2028.

Precisely because Congress never did finalize and repeal the 2002 AUMF, the President can send US forces anywhere on Earth for any military reason for at least 90 days, as the President sees fit.

Netanyahu himself would have to DROP OUT and comply with a U.S. President’s Peace plan and President’s deadline to save the himself the embarrassment of IDF tucking tail and running home upon detection of U.S. Marines and forces headed in their direction.

And don’t forget, President George Herbert Walker Bush and U.S. Secretary of State, James Baker informed the Israelis if Israel doesn’t stop building illegal settlements in the West Bank, the U.S. would FREEZE U.S. FUNDS TO ISRAEL.