Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday met with Arab and Muslim leaders while campaigning in Michigan, a crucial battleground state where roiling discontent over the United States’ backing of Israel’s war in Gaza and its escalating attacks in Lebanon could threaten her support.
“The big takeaway was that she fully understands the severity of the situation, she absolutely understands the impact this has had on our communities, and the potential impact this could have on voters,” said Wa’el Alzayat, the chief executive of Emgage Action, a group that mobilizes Muslim American voters and has endorsed Ms. Harris.
During the meeting, which took place backstage at a rally in Flint, Mich., Muslim and Arab leaders pressed Ms. Harris to work toward ending the war in Gaza, expressed concerns about the civilian casualties and about tens of thousands of people being displaced in Lebanon, Mr. Alzayat said.
He added that Ms. Harris, who was joined by her campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, said she understood the frustrations in the community and was committed to finding a path to peace. The meeting was originally scheduled for 10 minutes but ran for 20, sending a strong message about “the gravity of the current moment we’re in,” he said.
Ms. Harris’s campaign said in a statement that she expressed her concern for the “scale of suffering in Gaza,” and outlined her goal to end the war in Gaza, which started after Hamas attacked Israel nearly one year ago, on Oct. 7. The vice president also expressed her desire to secure the release of hostages taken during the attack, and continue to ensure Israel’s security while also seeing to it that Palestinian people can “realize their right to dignity, freedom, self-determination.”
Ms. Harris also expressed her concern about civilian casualties and displacement in Lebanon, and reiterated the Biden administration’s desire for a diplomatic solution and preventing a regional war, the campaign said.
The meeting came as Ms. Harris’s campaign had ramped up efforts to appeal directly to Arab and Muslim voters in the final weeks before the election.
On Wednesday, her national security adviser, Phil Gordon, met with Muslim, Arab and Palestinian American community leaders and discussed similar topics. On Thursday, Ms. Harris’s running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, appeared at a virtual “Million Muslim Votes: A Way Forward” event, which was hosted by Emgage Action.
Battleground states like Michigan, which Mr. Trump won in 2016 but swung to Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2020, are crucial to Ms. Harris’s hopes for November. A recent New York Times/Siena poll found that she and Mr. Trump were neck-and-neck in the state.
The state has more than 200,000 Muslim voters. (In 2020, Mr. Biden won there by 154,000 votes.) Arab American and Muslim voters also helped Mr. Biden defeat Mr. Trump in other battlegrounds, like Pennsylvania and Georgia.
In the lead-up to the election, Muslim and Arab groups have grappled with how to mobilize their communities to support Ms. Harris, even while many are unhappy with President Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza.
Ms. Harris has not signaled that she would break from Mr. Biden’s foreign policy, a conundrum that she faces as a candidate who is the sitting vice president. But she has been more vocal in expressing empathy for the plight of Palestinians and in condemning Israel’s killing of civilians and its role in fueling a humanitarian catastrophe.
Mr. Alzayat said that his group told Ms. Harris during the meeting that she needs to try to impress upon Mr. Biden that he has to end the war, and if not, commit to ending it herself, if elected. He also requested more diversity on her foreign policy team, should she win.
“At the end of the day, it’s the policy decisions that will ultimately matter,” he said. “I didn’t get a sense that she was patronizing us or just giving us platitudes. She is waiting to win this thing so she can put her own imprint on these policies.”
Ron Harold: "Dear Mr. Alzayat: There’s not a nice way to tell Kamala that President Biden is a federal criminal and an international war criminal who intentionally violated federal laws prohibiting the U.S. government from providing arms to any government who utilizes our weapons in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity, use of American weapons in any offensive capacity.
Kamala needs to realize and know that if and when she takes office on January 20, 2025, if she does not stop shipping ALL U.S. ARMS TO ISRAEL, Kamala will instantly become a federal criminal and an int’l war criminal in that very moment she authorizes more U.S. weapons shipments to Israel.
The best way to teach Kamala this sorely-needed lesson is by your Muslim group or some other citizens group filing a Writ of Mandamus in Washington D.C., U.S. District Court seeking the Court’s order directing a federal employee to follow federal law.
Federal employees do not get to pick and choose which federal laws a federal employee must follow and which federal laws the federal employee chooses not to follow.
When a federal employee refuses to follow federal law in the scope of their employment, said federal employee is subject to civil and criminal penalties and actions.
President Biden is a federal employee who must follow ALL federal laws during Biden’s federal employment period.
A Writ of Mandamus is the correct and appropriate legal vehicle for a citizen to force a federal employee to comply with federal law and federal duties owed U.S. citizens.
Biden’s federal crimes remind me of the Palestinian-American families who hired attorneys to try to hold President Biden to account for killing family members in Palestine with U.S. weapons. Their legal team made the mistake of trying to force Biden to comply with int’l law, when they should have filed a Writ of Mandamus in U.S. District Court seeking a court order directing President Biden to STOP breaking federal law and START complying with federal law.
I’m here to tell you that no law firm will be able to force any federal official to comply with international law in a U.S. courtroom, but a Plaintiff can force a federal official to comply with federal law.
Most Americans have no idea that any person acting under color of law, including elected or unelected local, state or federal officials actually OWE A STATUTORY AND CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to each and every citizen to follow laws, rules, regulations, guidelines in the course and discharge of their duties.
Federal officials owe U.S. citizens a duty to follow federal law;
state officials owe citizens a duty to follow state and federal laws;
local officials owe citizens a duty to follow local, municipal, county, state and federal laws.
Each and every President, Senator, Congressperson, including President Biden owes a statutory and constitutional duty to citizens to follow federal law and to uphold the U.S. Constitutional rights of each and every person on U.S. soil.
There are no “half-persons” in America. The U.S. Constitution and 240 years of U.S. case law define a person as any living human being breathing on U.S. soil - whether documented or undocumented. Again, the U.S. Constitution does not provide or recognize “half-persons” on U.S. land.
The legal accusations should be:
“As a direct and proximate result of Defendant Biden violating duties owed Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s family members were killed.”
“But for Defendant Biden’s violation of federal law and duties owed Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s family members would not have been killed with U.S. weapons unlawfully provided by Defendant Biden.”
Such an action would require the Court to engage in a fact-finding inquiry as to whether or not President Biden did in fact violate federal laws prohibiting any U.S. President from shipping arms to any government who has used or continues to use U.S. weapons in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity or in any offensive capacity whatsoever. See, U.S. ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT, U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT, THE PAT LEAHY ACT.
Further, Palestinian-Americans who suffered the death of family members at the hands of Joe Biden’s federal crimes could file a complaint with the U.S. Attorney General requesting a U.S. Special Counsel be appointed to investigate federal law violations committed by President Biden.
Clearly President Biden violated int’l law in the course of his employment, but Plaintiffs should stick to enforcing federal law in a federal courtroom on a federal employee pursuant to federal procedure.
I worked for a Congressman for eight years and have decades of local, state and federal political and legal experience and I’m here to tell you that in my opinion, a President Kamala Harris WILL NOT DO THE RIGHT THING in terms of Harris following federal law and ENDING U.S. WEAPONS SHIPMENTS TO ISRAEL.
A President Harris will never, ever do that, period - and here’s why:
Unless you are a highly disciplined and motivated President interested in adhering to federal law, a careless President would not possess the wherewithal to stand up to a President’s umbiquitious warmongering handlers - a majority of which, coincidentally, happen to be Zionist Jews or non-Jew Zionists who support illegally arming Israel with U.S. weapons.
The majority of Biden’s handlers and advisers fit this category of federal employees who insist on violating federal law in order to unlawfully provide U.S. weapons to Israel.
Make no mistake about it: President Biden is shamelessly and viciously LYING when Biden blames Hamas for no ceasefire deal as Biden hands more American bombs to Israel every 24 hours.
Months and months ago Hamas has consistently offered to release ALL THE HOSTAGES in exchange for Israel ending the war, fully withdrawing the IDF from Gaza, and releasing some Palestinian hostages. (prisoners)
Ask the surviving family members whose fault is it their loved ones aren't back home yet - it's not lost on them that Benjamin Nentayahu is soley responsible for not ending the war, releasing some Palestinians and bringing their loved ones home.
These surviving family members are extremely angry at Netanyahu.
They believe Netanyahu is continuing his war on Palestinians for political purposes and his own self-interest.
Obviously Netanyahu will never voluntarily comply with U.N. Res. 242 and withdraw to Israel's pre-invasion borders, without the U.S. voting for Palestinian statehood in the U.N. Security Council based on Nov. 4, 1967 pre-invasion borders.
Again, the problem is Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu all agree: they all OPPOSE an independent, sovereign state of Palestine; instead they seek a "demilitarized Palestine."
The western colonialists want to take others guns at gun point.
Joe Biden truly is a Muslim-babykiller committing war crimes by arming state-sponsored war crimes, and there's no sign of him stopping the killing.
Biden adopted Netanyahu’s deadly and foolish zero-sum game of “We cannot stop the bombing or killing of Hamas (guilty Palestinians) even if it means killing more “innocent Palestinians” in order to “defend Israel.”
Biden is a hardcore self-proclaimed Zionist who shares and supports Netanyahu and Israeli officials’ belief that Palestinian land belongs to Israel and Palestinians are simply trouble-making squatters to be expelled and exterminated from Jewish land.
Ole Joe does not want to share his truth and beliefs with voters.
Joe’s ziohandlers are “educating Kamala” to be a Biden clone who will not stray from the plan, “GREATER ISRAEL.”
Remember, a President Harris can simply walk away from you and not hear your complaints, but Harris cannot run away from her ziohandlers, advisers and DNC bosses who can make her life miserable if Harris does not follow their “recommendations.”
In other words, in her mind you are not a problem for her - but if she follows your recommendations, Harris knows she will catch pure hell INSTANTLY from her handlers, advisers and DNC zioboss Hillary Clinton.
One night Harris was laying in bed and she had an original, independent thought about Palestinian suffering, but Doug rolled over it in bed.
I do believe Kamala is a loving, caring human being who cares about other human beings and is horrified by Israel’s mass murdering men, women and children.
HOWEVER, I believe Kamala doesn’t care about Israelis mass murdering Muslims enough to stop giving American bombs to Israel, to stop the Israeli mad bombers from killing another 40,000 Palestinians.
Kamala knows if she did cut off arms to Israel, Kamala would instantly catch pure hell from her bedroom to the Situation Room and all points in between.
My point is, Mr. Alzayat, is a President Harris will follow the path to least resistance and continue Biden’s policy of sending more American bombs to Israel no matter how many war crimes and murders are committed by Israel with Kamala’s bombs.
THEREFORE AND CONCLUSIVELY, We The People must institute a new political party to change U.S. foreign policy, because the way things are now, when a voter goes to the voting booth to vote, they are voting ONLY FOR DOMESTIC POLICIES AND POLICY CHANGES - NOT U.S. FOREIGN POLICY CHANGE.
My point is Mr. Alzayat, U.S. foreign policy is not an organic constitutional product of democracy and We The People, but is a product of BIG MONEY IN U.S. ELECTIONS/POLITICS.
a bi-partisan, institutionalized Zionist policy of racist death and destruction of Arabs and Arab governments
And you should ask Kamala to do something Kamala will never, ever do, but a new party President could do and must do:
I dare you to ask Kamala Harris to appoint a U.S. Attorney General who will immediately enforce the FOREIGN AGENT REGISTRATION ACT (FARA) on any foreign lobby group making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. candidates in U.S. elections.
That’s HOW a new party President could end foreign lobby control of U.S. foreign policy - whether Israeli, Ukrainian or other illegal unregistered foreign lobby groups operating inside the United States.
Mr. Alzayat, I submit to you my plan and belief that Israel’s occupation, blockade, mass murder and mass imprisonment of Palestinians will NOT END UNTIL We The People elect a new party President in 2028 who will take executive action to END THE OCCUPATION within 90 days of the new party President taking office.
We the People need a new party President who will implement permanent Peace amongst Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Yemenis and Iranians by voting for Palestinian statehood in the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly based on pre-invasion, Nov. 4, 1967 borders.
President Biden claims he supports Palestinian statehood, yet for four years the Biden administration was the only NO VOTE in the U.N. Security Council, blocking the formation of a Palestinian state.
Kamala also claims she too supports Palestinian statehood - but she is lying - just like Joe Biden.
I wrote about this issue and produced a video demonstrating HOW Biden and Kamala are lying about their alleged support of Palestinian statehood:
On balance Mr. Alzayat, I believe and contend that neither Democrats nor Republicans will ever allow or appoint a U.S. Presidential DNC or RNC candidate who will follow federal law and:
*enforce federal law (FARA) on unregistered foreign lobby groups who make illegal campaign contributions to U.S. candidates in U.S. elections via “Baby PACs.”
*enforce federal laws on Congresspersons, Senators and Presidents who provide U.S. weapons to foreign governments who utilize our American made weapons in the commission of state-sponsored war crimes, human rights violations and/or in any offensive capacity whatsoever.
*implement a permanent multi-lateral Peace plan that will establish permanent Peace for generations to come and end all the fighting between all parties. How? By the U.S. voting for independent, sovereign Palestinian statehood in the U.N. Security Council based on pre-invasion, Nov. 4, 1967 borders, featuring multi-lateral security guarantees and permanent end to cross-border attacks.
I contend that four years of begging a President Harris to “DO THE RIGHT THING” and “ENFORCE FEDERAL LAW” will be wholly ineffective.
I contend that a President Harris will never truly recognize Palestinians’ legal, lawful and moral right to defend Palestinians on Palestinian land and will never recognize Palestinians’ unassailable right to freedom from US-backed Israeli Occupation, blockades, state-sponsored mass murder and mass imprisonment.
If Harris was interested in doing the right thing, she would be defending Palestinians on Palestinian land, instead of defending Israelis murdering Palestinians on Palestinian land.
Harris consistently blames Hamas for no ceasefire, as Biden hands Bibi bombs, bullets and billions.
Harris dutifully recites Joe’s Greatest Zionist Hits:
*We’re working hard towards a ceasefire;
*Hamas is preventing a ceasefire;
*Israel must defend itself on Palestinian land;
*The war cannot end until Hamas has been totally eradicated from Palestinian society;
*We’re fighting for “innocent Palestinians” who secretly hate Hamas and secretly wish Israel would keep the Occupation and military blockade of Gaza in place for the rest of our lives.
Many Americans have been so heavily propagandized into believing these lies, they are nearly incapable of viewing Palestinians through any other lens than the terrorist lens.
I created a website explaining relative events prior to, during and after October 7, 2023 and providing evidence thereof.
We need a new party in 2026 and new party President in 2028 who will present our permanent Peace Plan to the American people as THE SOLUTION to the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
OUR SOLUTION begins with a U.S. administration VOTING YES in the U.N. Security Council for the creation of an independent, sovereign state of Palestine - as opposed to the Biden-Harris call for a “demilitarized state” of Palestine, which is no state at all.
The U.S. media and U.S. officials are not telling the American people half the story, much less the whole story.
For example, Americans are unaware that since 2017, Hamas has been seeking and offering permanent peace with Israelis, including no more cross border attacks in exchange for Palestinian statehood based on pre-invasion, Nov. 4, 1967 borders.
Michigan Muslims Meet with Kamala Harris backstage to discuss Biden or a President Harris ending war in Gaza
Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at a rally in Flint, Mich., on Friday. She met with Arab and Muslim leaders for about 20 minutes.

Here’s a video I edited featuring Kamala Harris’ warmongering
national security adviser Phil Gordon,
who says Kamala opposes any arms embargo against Israel:
I contend Harris will continue to parrot Biden’s Zionist lies in lieu of Harris taking an independent stand against her handlers, advisers and confidantes.
Harris already finds it easier to stand up to Muslim-Americans and protesters than standing up to her ziohandlers, advisers and husband.
Harris makes decisions regarding the Palestinian people not based on law, human dignity and human rights, but on threat of a personal visit or vicious phone call from DNC chief and anti-Muslim enforcer, Hillary Clinton and “Debbie Does Gaza” Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Self-proclaimed Zionists Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are happy and satisfied with Harris ability thus far to faithfully and dutifully, reproduce and repeat Zionist talking points and lies to the unwashed masses; and in private to foreign dignitaries.
I do believe the longest journey begins with but a single step, and We The People must step away from the Democratic and Republican parties to begin stepping towards freedom from foreign lobby group control of U.S. foreign policy.
I contend a new party and new party nominee for U.S. President should present and promote a new party permanent Peace Plan that the new party President will execute via executive action upon being elected to office.
I created a new political party I intend to be the change vehicle for replacing Democrat and Republican officeholders.
This past week a Muslim-Arab Committee met and the Jordanian Foreign Minister said all 57 Muslim-Arab governments were on board with declared unanimous security guarantees for Israel in exchange for Palestinian statehood based on pre-invasion, Nov. 4, 1967 borders.
The Diversity Party
Political party advocating for social, economic and environmental justice.
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