Pro Peace means more than an absence of war; Pro Peace means supporting a U.S. foreign policy that prohibits state-sponsored terror and war crimes, prohibits occupations and proxy wars, prohibits using the tools of government to achieve special interest goals.

Pro Peace means reducing military budgets, closing military bases and end America's role as the top arms dealer in the world.

Pro Peace means the United States voting FOR PEACE in the United Nations instead of constantly voting AGAINST PEACE with Israel at each and every turn.

The bi-partisan, militarist Democratic and Republican Parties serve as lobbyists for U.S. defense contractors and the illegal foreign lobby group AIPAC.

The fact is corporate Christo-fascists Sen. Chris Coons (D) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R) sponsored the very bill that AUTOMATICALLY GIVES ISRAEL $3.8 BILLION PER YEAR, no strings attached.


TDP supports a bi-lateral permanent Peace plan featuring no more cross border attacks, security guarantees and permanent Peace for both sides in exchange for Israel complying with U.N. Resolution 242, withdrawing to Israel's pre-invasion borders.

TDP supports a diplomatic meeting to work out the terms of a permanent Peace plan, including the Israeli PM and Defense Minister, a Palestinian representative not named Mahmood Abbas, the TDP President's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

A TDP President could inform the Israeli PM that the President has consulted with his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and has decided to bring permanent Peace to Israelis and Palestinians by enforcing U.N. 242 on Israel's pre-invasion border, but prefer the PM accept voluntary compliance and all the benefits that would come with compliance:

*permanent Peace with Palestinians - Palestinians have already indicated they are willing to trade Peace for statehood on Israel's pre-invasion borders.

*Peace with the Houthis, Hezbollah and Iran

*Spend billions of shekels on something besides war and preparation for war with Muslims

*THE END OF BOYCOTTS and worldwide social and business acceptance by the entire planet.

*A real future featuring permanent Peace for generations to come.

All for what? About 25 miles of land?

In exchange for Israelis and the 750,000 Israeli settlers moving back to Israel's pre-1967 borders.

Netanyahu says Israel will never ever comply with U.N. 242 under any circumstances, claiming if Israel withdrew to their pre-1967 borders, there would be no buffer zone and nothing from stopping Palestinians from launching rockets right on the border.

A TDP President or Kamala Harris could give the Israeli PM an ultimatum and a 45-day deadline to voluntarily comply with U.N. Res. 242, to enjoy immediate social, financial and diplomatic benefits and avoid forced compliance.

In terms of a military dialogue between the President's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Israeli Defense Minister,  the Chairman could surely and simply seek the DM's acquiescence to the military reality at stake between the two parties and agree to voluntarily withdraw to Israel's pre-1967 borders.

As a military man, the Israeli DM cannot sit in the face of the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and tell him to buzz off, precisely because obviously the IDF is incapable of preventing forced compliance by U.S. forces.

TDP contends the closer the 45-day deadline approaches, the more likely voluntary compliance could occur, in lieu of much, much trouble. The vast, positive, meaningful benefits Israelis could gain by simply complying with U.N. Res. 242 should appear as reasonable to a reasonable Israeli.

Problem is, reasonable Israelis are far outnumbered by unreasonable Israelis who OPPOSE ending the Occupation, OPPOSE statehood for Palestinians, OPPOSE sending food and medicine into Gaza and SUPPORT maintaining the Israeli military blockade of millions of Palestinians.

The President should inform the Israeli PM that the President's "Everlasting Peace Agreement" is not corporal punishment for Israel, but a gateway to permanent Peace for every living Israeli and for generations to come.

Coons and Rubio brag about the way they wrote the legislation, Israel would never have to worry about getting paid due to government shutdowns or political winds; Israel's annual $3.8 billion comes from non-discretionary spending, like Social Security payments.

Unfortunately the next chance to elect a TDP President won't be until 2028, so in the meantime Israelis are still killing Palestinians each and every day, dropping hundreds of bombs daily.

There best way to stop Israelis from bombing Palestinians every day with American bombs is for America to stop giving bombs to Israel.

Joe Biden will not completely cut off all U.S. arms to Israel for the remaining six months or so of his presidency.

What about Kamala? Will she cut off arms to Israel? I doubt it, but you say there's a chance? Yes.

TDP promotes the TDP "Everlasting Peace Agreement" in hopes of Kamala catching wind of the idea to use great diplomatic force in leui of military force to bring permanent Peace to the Israelis and Palestinians.

Because Congress never did repeal the 2002 AUMF, a sitting President can lawfully send US forces anywhere in the world for at least 90 days, without Congressional approval, debate or even knowledge.

President Harris could send US FORCES to exfiltrate the 750,000 settlers in the West Bank and force Israeli government and IDF compliance with U.N. Res. 242 at Israel's pre-1967 borders, effectively ending the Israeli military blockade of Gaza and the removing Israeli checkpoints on Palestinian land.

A U.S. President could easily enforce U.N. Res. 242 and maintain border control on Israel's pre-1967 borders.

Unfortunately, none of these reasonable approaches will work with Benjamin Netanyahu, as he is truly seeking perpetual, endless war for as long as he can get away with it. Netanyahu is not interested in making any "Peace deals." Don't believe me? Go ask the families of the hostages.

THEREFORE, all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing, and in the instance of the Palestinian people, if a President Harris doesn't enforce the potentially upcoming ICC arrest warrant on Netanyahu, this mass murdering Muslim-hating maniac, criminal fraudster will continue to keep killing Palestinians every day for at least the four years of a Harris Presidency, so she needs to law the law down on Bibi the Butcher to STOP THE KILLING and give Israelis, Palestinians and Peace a Chance.


SIGNED AT LUXEMBOURG, ON 10 SEPTEMBER 1952 WHEREAS unspeakable criminal acts were perpetrated against the Jewish people during the National-Socialist regime of terror AND WHEREAS by a declaration in the Bundestag on 27th September, 1951, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany made known their determination, within the limits of their capacity, to make good the material damage caused by these acts

AND WHEREAS the State of Israel has assumed the heavy burden of resettling so great a number of uprooted and destitute Jewish refugees from Germany and from territories formerly under German rule and has on this basis advanced a claim against the Federal Republic of Germany for global recompense for the cost of the integration of these refugees

Now THEREFORE the State of Israel and the Federal Republic ef Germany have agreed as follows:

Article 1 (a) The Federal Republic of Germany shall, in view of the considerations hereinbefore recited, pay to the State of Israel the sum of 3,000 million Deutsche Mark.

(b) In addition, the Federal Republic of Germany shall, in compliance with the obligation undertaken in Article 1 of Protocol No. 2 this day drawn up and signed between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, pay to Israel for the benefit of the said Conference the sum of 450 million Deutsche Mark ; the said sum of 450 million Deutsche Mark shall be used for the purposes set out in Article 2 of the said Protocol.

Then there's the issue of reparations owed Palestinians for 75 years of Israeli invasion, mass murder, occupation, state-sponsored starvation, war crimes and crimes against humanity; ICC charges of extermination of the Palestinian people.

Kamala Harris should draft a Luxemburg-type agreement and use it as a reason for the Israeli PM to comply with U.N. Res. 242. Clearly Israel is heavily liable for decades of war crimes, occupation, abuse, forced starvation and murder - not to mention the reconstruction costs as a result of Israeli bombing.

Clearly Israel is liable to the Palestinian people for the state-sponsored extermination mass murder of Palestinian non-combatants, 75 years worth of severe and extreme damages, pain, suffering, reconstruction in excess of hundreds of billions of shekels.

Reparations for Palestinians should be on the tongues of all U.S. officials, especially the President and State Dept. officials. Unfortunately, odds are not one American official will breathe a single word about reparations for Palestinians

Germany agreed to one of its largest financial reparations packages ever for the world’s remaining Jewish Holocaust survivors on Thursday — including a 12 million euro ($12 million) emergency fund for 8,500 survivors who remain in war-torn Ukraine.

The entire package is worth a total of $1.2 billion and will be disbursed next year, mostly to help cover health care costs of an aging and dwindling population of survivors. It will also for the first time fund Holocaust remembrance education, according to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims, the negotiating body for reparations.

“Seventy years later, we still stand in the shadow of the six million murdered Jews,” Gideon Taylor, the president of the claims conference, said on Thursday at the ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Luxembourg Agreement in Berlin. “Their suffering still haunts the Jewish people and the German people.”

Germany signed its first Holocaust reparations, the Luxembourg Agreement, with Israel in 1952, and has since then agreed to around 80 billion euros in payments negotiated with the claims conference, which has also pushed to expand the scope of compensation from those interned in concentration camps to those who survived ghettos, as well as to those who were small children during Nazi occupation.

Eva Umlauf, who was liberated from Auschwitz as a toddler, told the audience at the commemorative ceremony that she still struggled with trauma from the early experiences of her life, particularly the loss of her father, who perished during a death march from the camp. “Every day is different,” she said. “Some are lighter, some are heavier.”

Each newly elected U.S. Congressperson or Senator is approached by AIPAC representatives upon arrival in Washington, and those AIPAC reps greet the new federal official, unsigned AIPAC pledge in hand and inform the new Congressperson or Senator they must sign the AIPAC pledge promising to vote the AIPAC way or AIPAC will fully fund your opponent in the next election cycle.

Nearly every current member of Congress has already signed THE AIPAC PLEDGE and it has been that way since the Kennedy assassinations.

The last thing AIPAC wants is for Congress to get big dark money out of politics.

That's a big part of why U.S. Congresspersons and Senators and Presidents refuse to get big dark money out of politics.

That's why Zionist President Joe Biden refused to expand the U.S. Supreme Court to a Democratic Party majority on this rogue GOP majority on the U.S. Supreme Court and refused to support any bill or action to get get big dark money out of U.S. elections.

Welcome to Washington


The MIC (Military-industrial complex) includes U.S. defense contractors and the House reps and U.S. Senators who represent them in promulgating, sponsoring and passing MIC legislation.

The MIC features the CIA, who is the catalyst in keeping the U.S. government at war, in military actions and occupations each and every year, decade after decade.

President Harry Truman founded the CIA in 1948, but less than 30 days after President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, President Truman authored an opinion piece in the Washington Post calling for the disbandment of the CIA he founded.

AIPAC literally drives U.S. foreign policy using endless dark money interfering and manipulating U.S. elections to a systemwide degree. The last people who want big dark money out of U.S. elections is AIPAC.

AIPAC controls our Foreign Affairs committees and dictates and approves foreign policy legislation.

TDP candidates do not sign AIPAC pledges or any other special interest group pledge, as a TDP candidate pledges an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and to serve We The People.​

It is a verifiable fact that since President Kennedy was sworn in as President in 1961, Israel sent an illegal foreign lobby group to America, to Capitol Hill to control and manipulate U.S. elections by making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. candidates running in federal elections.

President Kennedy and U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy fought the AZC (American Zionist Council - precursor to AIPAC) warning the AZC they must register as a foreign lobby group and consequently STOP MAKING ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS IN U.S. ELECTIONS.

The AZC refused to comply with federal law prohibiting the AZC from donating to U.S. candidates and fought against President Kennedy and U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy all during 1963, culminating with AG Kennedy threatening AZC with federal prosecution if the AZC did not stop making illegal campaign donations in federal elections.

The Kennedy's fight against the illegal Israeli foreign lobby ended on November 22, 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy was devastated and discombobulated by his brother's assassination while the AZC refused to register as a foreign lobby group and continued to make illegal campaign contributions to U.S. candidates in federal elections.

Since Zionist Lyndon Baines Johnson automatically became President on November 22, 1963, U.S. Att. Gen. Robert Kennedy KNEW that LBJ would not support the AG's office prosecuting the AZC for failing to register as a foreign lobby group.

Robert F. Kennedy ran for President in 1968 and was assassinated on June 5, 1968 and died the next day.​

Since the Kennedys were assassinated, Israel's illegal foreign lobby group - AIPAC - never did register as a foreign lobby and continues to fully control and manipulate the U.S. Congress and the White House by continuing to operate an illegal foreign lobby operation on Capitol Hill.

The verifiable fact is Israel's illegal foreign lobby group, AIPAC, systematically maintains control of U.S. foreign policy by skirting U.S. laws prohibiting foreign lobby control of the U.S. government via a system of "Baby PACS" who actually collect donations and distribute those donations at the direction of AIPAC.

It is without a doubt the oldest and longest-running, ongoing, unprosecuted federal criminal conspiracy and operation in the entire history of the United States.

It is absolutely essential that voters realize that no Democratic Party President or Republican President will ever direct the U.S. Attorney General and the FBI Director to END ILLEGAL FOREIGN LOBBY CONTROL OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.

Only a new party can end foreign lobby control of the U.S. government.