Ron Harold: "Dear Mr. Alzayat:
The Biden-Harris claim of "we're working hard night and day for a ceasefire" is not unlike Trump and Republicans claiming they're going to present their new GOP healthcare plan in two weeks: it never materializes; but meanwhile, Republicans support private insurance carriers over single payer healthcare.
For months and months Biden kept shoehorning Americans with a daily dose of "we're close to reaching a ceasefire," much like Trump claiming FOR FOUR YEARS AND LONGER that he was about to reveal his new healthcare plan in two weeks.
In order to solve a problem, one must first understand the problem.
Circa 2002 I ran headfirst into "The Problem" inside the Democratic Party as I began producing anti-war ads for Cong. Dennis Kucinich, who ran for U.S. President against a Sen. Barack Obama and a Sen. Hillary Clinton who were the subject of my Kucinich ads.
I presented Cong. Kucinich as the only true anti-war, pro-Peace candidate in the Democratic Party primary, as my ad revealed that Senators Obama and Clinton had virtually identical voting records, both having voted to re-authorize the Iraq War 21 times; whereas Cong. Kucinich was the only candidate who had never voted to fund any war, occupation or U.S. military action.
Cong. Kucinich sued President Clinton for bombing Kosovo without any Congressional oversight, review, consultation, notice or declaration of war.
The warmongering, conservative Supreme Court ruled that President Clinton's executive action was indeed lawful as Congress actually funded Clinton's bombings and therefore satisifed notice and authorization considerations.
"THE PROBLEM" inside the Democratic Party is the same kind of problem in the Republican Party: both respond to BIG MONEY and act on behalf of the MIC, for cash, prizes and long-term, no-bid multi-billion dollar gov't contracts.
"BIG MONEY" in U.S. elections and politics is "THE PROBLEM."
Illegal, unregistered foreign lobby groups use BIG MONEY to illegally interfere with U.S. elections, politics and subvert our American election and political process for the purpose of acheiving foreign lobby group goals.
Long ago AIPAC learned they could control U.S. foreign policy by using BIG MONEY to interfere and control U.S. elections and U.S. foreign policy.
In the spring of 1963 President Kennedy and U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy warned AIPAC's predecessor, the American Zionist Council that they must stop making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. candidates and must register as the foreign lobby they were OR ELSE!
Months later, the AZC still refused to register as a foreign lobby group and refused to stop interfering in U.S. elections by continuing to make illegal U.S. campaign contributions in U.S. elections.
The illegal Israeli lobby group's struggles with the Kennedys and the DOJ ended on November 22nd, 1963.
For the next 60 years the illegal Israeli lobby group has metasticized into a political cancer eating at the heart and lungs of American democracy and the will of We The People, by avoiding federal criminal prosecution for non-stop violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act. (FARA violations)
AIPAC has avoided any federal prosecution for their FARA violations by infecting both parties with BIG AIPAC MONEY, which produces RNC or DNC candidates in service of AIPAC and Israel and strictly disallows and prohibits anti-war, anti-occupation candidates for President.
Further, AIPAC conspired with others to create a criminal enterprise system of avoiding federal prosecution for FARA violations that AIPAC and their "Baby PACs" have been engaging in for years.
That's how and why no U.S. President and U.S. Attorney General have ever prosecuted AIPAC for non-stop, sixty years worth of FARA violations and never will.
To this day, the same Israeli foreign lobby group is still illegally operating in the United States and still controls U.S. Middle Eastern foreign policy with an iron fist, by way of using the threat of BIG MONEY against U.S. candidates and those running for re-election.
My point is AIPAC realized long ago that funding Christian nationalists resulted in Christian nationalists passing AIPAC legislation without fail.
It is the bi-partisan Christian nationalists in Congress that dutifully and blindly vote to fund and arm Israel and Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity.
Of course President Biden violated the U.S. ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT, U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT, PAT LEAHY ACT and additional federal laws by using his position of authority as U.S. President to ship U.S. weapons to a government who has been using and continues to use our U.S. weapons in an offensive capacity, in the state-sponsored commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people.
Of course the U.S. ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT, U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT, PAT LEAHY ACT and additional federal laws prohibit the U.S. President, Congress and government agencies from providing U.S. weapons to ANY GOVERNMENT who utilizes our American-made weapons in an offensive capacity OR in the commission of war crimes.
I contend any reasonable person may conclude that as long as Democrats and Republicans control and fill the White House, Congress and thus gov't agencies, that's how long the U.S. will continue to fund and arm Israel's illegal and immoral occupation, blockades, mass murder, mass imprisonment of the Palestinian people.
Biden and Harris are bit players in this giant MIC wheel rolling over Washington to the tune of hundreds of billions a year in multi-billion dollar U.S. military contracts for U.S. defense contractors and their Congressional lobbyists.
AIPAC remains a subset of the U.S. military industrial complex - the MIC features U.S. intel agencies who provide the U.S. foreign policy agenda and narratives used by US media and both political parties to foment hate and broad support for U.S. military action against MIC targets.
These U.S. intel agency narratives are driving and fueling the anti-Russia, anti-China, anti-Iran, anti-Palestinian propaganda voters are constantly subjected to morning, noon and night.
WHY? Why does the MIC do this?
Because the MIC is interested in two things: 1) making money; 2) make money satisfying Christian nationalist religious interests and commitments to Israel.
The MIC is NUMBER ONE in global arms sales worldwide, year after year; thanks to Congressional lobbyists who double as Senators and Congresspersons, and thanks to BIG MONEY in U.S. elections and politics.
"BIG MONEY" is the primary problem in U.S. politics, as neither party will ever pass legislation mandating the public funding of U.S. elections and marking the end of BIG MONEY ELECTION INTERFERENCE and large political campaign contributions to candidates in federal elections.
Kamala Harris knows if she suddenly produced a public thought, concept or plan incongruent with AIPAC policy, agenda and narrative, she will be getting a quick, terse phone call from AIPAC reps and DNC leaders Hillary Clinton and "Debbie Does Gaza." (Debbie Wasserman-Schlutz)
It is possible after becoming President, a President Harris may do the right thing, the lawful thing and cut off ALL ARMS to Israel in compliance with U.S. law - but I doubt it.
The realization I submit to you is no one on Earth will come to the rescue of the Palestinian people, period.
I submit to you that neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party will ever STOP BREAKING FEDERAL LAW by arming Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people.
That's why I created a new political party to engage in short-term and long term agendas and goals on a progressive pro-peace, pro-choice, pro-worker/union, pro-human rights, pro-public school platform.
I named it "The Diversity Party" to avoid any question or confusion as to the political nature of the party, as young voters are diverse voters and are the future of America and American politics.
I am interested in working with your group to produce TDP candiates for the U.S. House and Senate in 2026 and produce a party nominee for President in the 2028 U.S. Presidential election.
My party needs money to fund my plan to gain ballot access in all 50 states and U.S. territories.
I have a ballot access manager who keeps up-to-date on all ballot access requirements for each state. What we know is getting on the ballot AS A POLITICAL PARTY in all 50 states is much, much easier than a person trying to gain individual ballot access in all 50 states.
That's why we consider Robert Kennedy Jr. and other U.S. Presidential campaigns as "vanity campaigns" void of any electoral path to victory, due to lack of ballot access in all 50 states.
The longest jourmey begins with but a single step, and I am suggesting that we step forward together to begin the long, necessary journey towards our long-term goal of ENDING BIG MONEY in U.S. elections and politics.
Our TDP short-term goals are to run TDP candidates for the House in 2026 on our very specific TDP platform.
One of the differences between TDP and other parties is TDP policy is to vet, select and train party candidates to implement TDP domestic and foreign policy initiatives, in order to offer voters a political party that clearly and uniformly states short-term and long-term party agenda and platform goals, no matter which state a TDP official represents.
When it comes to U.S. domestic policies, TDP is congruent with some progressive Democrat policies that are indeed supported by a majority of voters.
TDP recognizes the need for Democrats and TDP to caucus together on particular domestic issues.
TDP supports a new kind of U.S. foreign policy that unlike Biden and Trump U.S. foreign policy, will END THE OCCUPATION and establish permanent Peace in the Middle East.
On the way to reaching our primary long-term goal of GETTING BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS, TDP can stop by the White House in 2028 for four years, to enjoy a TDP President who will implement our TDP "Everlasting Peace Plan" to finally institute permanent Peace between Israelis and Palestinians and Peace amongst all in the region.
If elected to the White House in 2028, a TDP President could end the Occupation, end Israel's military blockade of Gaza by land, sea and air, end the state-sponsored genocide, mass imprisonment of millions of Palestinans and end cross-border attacks BY VOTING IN THE U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL FOR PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD BASED ON PRE-INVASION, NOVEMBER 4, 1967 BORDERS; and by implementing the TDP President's "Everlasting Peace Plan" featuring signatories promise of ending ALL cross-border attacks and incursions.
TDP believes it is easier to implement statehood for the Palestinian people on pre-invasion borders than for the world community to implement equal rights for non-Jewish Israelis living inside Israel, due to the institutionalized, apartheid nature of the Israeli government.
Once Palestinian statehood is decreed by the United Nations, then the world community can come together to implement Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders, whether Israel decides to voluntarily participate and comply or not.
As you know, Biden and Harris claim to support Palestinian statehood but actually do not and have not supported Palestinian statehood at the U.N., as the U.S. and Biden administration remains the single, lone vote in the U.N. Security Council AGAINST Palestinian statehood.
For over 20 years I have correctly predicted all U.S. Presidential elections, primarily based on the "Least Baggage Theory" that says "He or she with the least political baggage wins."
Even as a progressive Democrat I correctly predicted that Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton over a year prior to the election, based on the fact that at the time, Donald Trump had virtually zero political experience or baggage, whereas Hillary ran toting more political baggage than any other U.S. Presidential candidate in U.S. history.
Four years later Trump acquired more negative political baggage than even Hillary, and thus lost to Joe Biden.
This 2024 election Kamala is relatively baggage-free compared to the growing mountain of Trump baggage onboard his campaign.
My political message to 2024 voters is to recognize that when you go vote, your vote will NOT affect bi-partisan, violent U.S. foreign policy; U.S. foreign policy is not on the ballot in 2024; but you can positively affect DOMESTIC POLICIES and the lives of your neighbors by voting for the much lesser of two evils, the Democratic Party.
I'm always telling voters, "Look, I know how you feel, both parties support proxy wars and occupations, but there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between the two parties when it comes to domestic issues that especially affect women, minorities and children. Non-violent U.S. foreign policy is not on the ballot in 2024, but non-violent domestic policy is on the ballot by voting Democrat in 2024.
I say there's nothing wrong with voting for the "lesser of two evils," as long as you are working towards building a new political party to do the things we all know that Democrats and Republicans will never do.
TDP future success is predicated on the fact that a majority of voters polled indicate a majority of voters support progressive-styled policies by far; including majority opposition to U.S. wars, proxy wars, occupations; and in particular, a majority of U.S. voters polled are opposed to the U.S. arming Israel.
A TDP 2026 message is, We give you the progressive nature and policies of the Democratic party, without supporting and arming U.S. wars, proxy wars and Israel's illegal Occupation of the Palestinian territories.
I suggest funding TDP TV and web ads educating voters on these issues and providing a sense of supporting the kind of real change the voter instinctively knows that Democrats and Republicans will never make.
One of the interesting ads I am producing is an ad depicting TDP support for permanent peace for Israelis and Palestinians.
TDP supports a two-step permanent peace plan available for President Harris to implement upon taking office:
STEP ONE: U.S. votes for Palestinian statehood at the U.N. Security Council;
STEP TWO: U.S. presents a U.N. Resolution to establish permanent peace in the region by gaining Palestinian and Israeli signatories agreeing to end all cross-border attacks and incursions based on November 4, 1967 borders.
TDP supports defending the State of Israel - on Israel's true, pre-invasion borders.
TDP supports defending the State of Palestine - on November 4, 1967 borders, featuring a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem.
TDP supports economic freedom for Israel, by ending the occupation and recognizing statehood on pre-invasion borders.
TDP predicts a bright new future for a new re-invigorated Israel free of the economic chains of war and conflict, boycotts and bad blood - a new Israel that is accepted worldwide.
TDP predicts a robust and stable economy for the State of Palestine, a Palestinian people in charge of their own borders, their own economy, their own national destiny.
TDP predicts a more stable U.S. and world economy based on implementing permanent peace between Palestinians and Israelis.
What about the past? What about debts owed to the victims of violence?
TDP contends and believes that resolving debts owed is part of the permanent peace process.
Here’s a video I edited featuring Kamala Harris’ warmongering
national security adviser Phil Gordon,
who says Kamala opposes any arms embargo against Israel:
I contend Harris will continue to parrot Biden’s Zionist lies in lieu of Harris taking an independent stand against her handlers, advisers and confidantes.
Harris already finds it easier to stand up to Muslim-Americans and protesters than standing up to her ziohandlers, advisers and husband.
Harris makes decisions regarding the Palestinian people not based on law, human dignity and human rights, but on threat of a personal visit or vicious phone call from DNC chief and anti-Muslim enforcer, Hillary Clinton and “Debbie Does Gaza” Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Self-proclaimed Zionists Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are happy and satisfied with Harris ability thus far to faithfully and dutifully, reproduce and repeat Zionist talking points and lies to the unwashed masses; and in private to foreign dignitaries.
I do believe the longest journey begins with but a single step, and We The People must step away from the Democratic and Republican parties to begin stepping towards freedom from foreign lobby group control of U.S. foreign policy.
I contend a new party and new party nominee for U.S. President should present and promote a new party permanent Peace Plan that the new party President will execute via executive action upon being elected to office.
I created a new political party I intend to be the change vehicle for replacing Democrat and Republican officeholders.
This past week a Muslim-Arab Committee met and the Jordanian Foreign Minister said all 57 Muslim-Arab governments were on board with declared unanimous security guarantees for Israel in exchange for Palestinian statehood based on pre-invasion, Nov. 4, 1967 borders.
Reporters should press Harris about her claim of supporting statehood for the Palestinian people: Do you support a true, independent, sovereign state of Palestine?
Or do you support President Biden's support for a "demilitarized state" of Palestine?
TDP contends Harris supports Biden's position and support for a "demilitarized state" of Palestine; which means no state at all, since it is impossible to disarm Palestinians as evidenced by over one year of US-backed Israeli non-stop war on Palestinians.
TDP recognizes the US-Israeli claim and shared goal of "disarming Hamas" as an unattainable goal used as an excuse and justification for indefinite state-sponsored occupation, blockades, mass murder, mass imprisonment of the Palestinian people for decades longer.
Biden adopted Netanyahu's bogus idea of a "demilitarized state," as Netanyahu claims the only way to ensure a "demilitarized state" is by Israel controlling Palestinian borders, maintaining Israel's blockade of Gaza, which is no independent, sovereign state at all.
The Biden administration and U.S. State Dept. officials march in Nazi lockstep with Netanyahu and the IDF as they wage endless war and occupation based an an unjust and unattainable claim of "disarming Hamas."
Netanyahu and Israelis officials sing in chorus with Biden and Blinken THE MASS MURDER SONG that goes like this:
Guilty Palestinians have no right to be free,
We're going to "Kill'em All" from the River to the Sea,
We keep on killing Palestinians who fight for freedom,
To teach a lesson to the Islamic kingdom,
Palestinian squatters living on Jewish land,
We'll bury them in our sand.
from US-backed Israeli occupation, mass murder,
and lifelong, generational mass imprisonment,
until we kill the last "Guilty Palestinian,"
to save the "Innocent Palestinians"
from the bad, bad "Guilty Palestinians."
We're not trying to steal their land,
we just want to cut off their hands,
when they pick up the gun,
to fight for freedom.
And then one fine day, Palestine will be a free and glorious place,
No more guilty Palestinians,
stinking up the place.
Palestinians will live under Israeli rule,
just the way we taught them in school.
The Diversity Party
Political party advocating for social, economic and environmental justice.
© 2024 The Diversity Party | All rights reserved.