Young voters are concerned about corruption and protecting democracy.​

There is illegal corruption and legalized corruption.​

The most common form of bi-partisan illegal corruption is Congressional insider trading.​

It is essential for voters to know that Democrats and Republicans financially reward those who practice bi-partisanship with hot stock tips.​

I’m talking about the fact that when a new Congressperson or Senator is elected and arrives in Washington, a few things happen:​

*the New Guy is informed that if you follow the bi-partisan rules of the road, your net worth will double and triple on a regular basis;​

*The bi-partisan Rules of the Road are:

1) Don’t rock the boat and protect the status quo;

2) Don’t ask a lot of questions;

3) Vote the way we or our special interest groups want you to vote;

4) recognize the bi-partisan default setting on Capitol Hill is a bi-partisan, non-prosecution zone for bi-partisan political fundraising and bi-partisan insider trading.

If you follow these rules to the delight and satisfaction of party and committee leaders, then you will be rewarded with insider stock tips on a regular basis that will double and triple your net worth every six months or so.​

Nancy Pelosi personally fought like a Nordic viking to STOP legislation that would outlaw Congressional stock purchases and trades.​

Pelosi argued that Congresspersons and Senators right to buy and trade stocks is an unassailable, inherent right of Congresspersons and Senators to do so - complaints of insider trading be damned.​

What is a democracy? A democracy requires free and fair elections, featuring majority rule.​

American democracy and our U.S. Constitution requires the Majority to uphold and protect the U.S. Const. rights of the individual.​

The big problem in politics and our lives is Republicans do not respect an individual's U.S. Const. rights and are actively seeking to overthrow our government by judicial means, by establishing case law effectively invalidating the U.S. Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution; which holds and constitutionally mandates federal law and the U.S. Constitution supercedes state law and state constitutions.​

Republicans want to pass state laws that categorically violate a person's U.S. Const. rights, without fear of being overturned by a Democratic Party majority on the Supreme Court.​

Republicans are guilty of many things, especially hellbent on violating the American democratic principle of Separation of Church and State.​

Republicans wrongfully insist that their personal religious beliefs can be constitutionally used to promulgate U.S. government policy.​

Republican state legislators have willfully and maliciously violated state citizen's U.S. Const. rights to be free of state-sponsored torts and harm, by passing state laws that categorically violate a person's U.S. Const. rights.​

Republican state legislators have become violent domestic terrorists interfering in the lives of women and non-whites.​

Until the advent of The Diversity Party, no political party or party member has sought to enforce a state citizen's U.S. Const. rights and in particular: hold Republican state legislators to account for their criminal Constitutional crimes against their state citizen victims.​

TDP supports a TDP President who will appoint a U.S. Attorney General who will enforce U.S.C. TITLE 18, SEC. 242 and 241 on rogue police officers, rogue state legislators and any other person acting under color of law who violates a person's U.S. Constitutional rights.​

Republicans and rogue officials are terrified at the prospect of being held to account by a U.S. Attorney General who will protect a person's U.S. Const. rights by enforcing federal criminal law on any official acting under color of law who violates a person's U.S. Const. rights.​

U.S.C. Title 18, Sec. 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law and its sister statute, Sec. 241 Conpiracy Against Rights are the most needed but least used federal criminal laws on the books.​

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.​

The penalty for violating Title 18, Sec. 242 is a minimum of one year in a federal penitentiary, with a maximum of life in prison depending upon the severity of the offense.​

For example, a U.S. Attorney General could indict any person - elected or unelected - for violating a person's U.S. Const. rights IF the violator was acting under color of law; courts recognize a "person acting under color of law" as meaning any employee who is required to follow local, state, federal, rules, regulations or guidelines in the scope of their employment.​

That's what is missing today in this out-of-control world of officials.​

Republican state legislators have terrorized the living hell out of women trying to exercise their right to make their own medical decisions; a right women have known all their lives until Donald fucking Trump, Mitch McConnell and Leonard Leo showed up.​

Zero accountability under the facade of patriarchial, "Father Knows Best" mentality.​

To this day, the George Floyd Act has not been passed precisely because Republicans refuse to pass a law that would remove qualified immunity for police officers.​

Republicans do not want police officers, state legislators, Article 3 federal judges and U.S. Supreme Court justices and Presidents to be held to account for violating federal law and a person's U.S. Const. rights.​

U.S. Supreme Court General Manager Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society does not believe in prosecuting Supreme Court justices and U.S. Presidents for any reason, for any crime.​

The Federalist Society subscribes to Richard Nixon's infamous claim that, "If the President did it, then it's not illegal."​

By the way, Federalist Society moderator Merrick Garland failed to prosecute Trump and his Jan. 6 co-conspirators for two years after Trump and MAGA executed the Jan. 6 insurrection.​

White privilege is bi-partisan by nature, as White Privilege Cards are accepted at all WHITE POWER outlets, i.e., state court judges, federal judges, U.S. Attorney Generals, Supreme Court justices.​

Republicans know that "respecting federal rights" means violating Republicans' imaginary religious right to hate and discriminate against people not like them.​

Republicans are incapable and unwilling to respect the American founding principle of Seperation of Church and State and are devoted to maintaining a Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court that will steadfastly reject petitions seeking federal enforcement of a person's U.S. Const. rights.​

Organized crime in government​

Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local group of centralized enterprises run to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for profit.​

Other organizations—including states, churches, militaries, police forces, and corporations—may sometimes use organized-crime methods to conduct their activities, but their powers derive from their status as formal social institutions.

There is a tendency to distinguish "traditional" organized crime such as gambling, loan sharking, drug-trafficking, prostitution, and fraud from certain other forms of crime that also usually involve organized or group criminal acts, such as white-collar crime, financial crimes, political crimes, war crimes, state crimes, and treason.

This distinction is not always apparent and academics continue to debate the matter.

For example, in failed states that can no longer perform basic functions such as education, security, or governance (usually due to fractious violence or to extreme poverty), organized crime, governance, and war sometimes complement each other.

The term "oligarchy" has been used to describe democratic countries whose political, social, and economic institutions come under the control of a few families and business oligarchs that may be deemed or may devolve into organized crime groups in practice.

By their very nature, kleptocracies, mafia states, narco-states or narcokleptocracies, and states with high levels of clientelism and political corruption are either heavily involved with organized crime or tend to foster organized crime within their own governments.​

Criminal activity as a structured process is referred to as racketeering.​

TDP believes government and agency officials, as well as lobbyist organizations are engaged in criminal activity and political corruption consist with RICO crimes and charges.​

9-110.100 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)

On October 15, 1970, the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 became law.

Title IX of the Act is the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Statute (18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1968), commonly referred to as the "RICO" statute.

The purpose of the RICO statute is "the elimination of the infiltration of organized crime and racketeering into legitimate organizations operating in interstate commerce." S.Rep. No. 617, 91st Cong., 1st Sess. 76 (1969).

However, the statute is sufficiently broad to encompass illegal activities relating to any enterprise affecting interstate or foreign commerce.

Section 1961(10) of Title 18 provides that the Attorney General may designate any department or agency to conduct investigations authorized by the RICO statute and such department or agency may use the investigative provisions of the statute or the investigative power of such department or agency otherwise conferred by law.

Absent a specific designation by the Attorney General, jurisdiction to conduct investigations for violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1962 lies with the agency having jurisdiction over the violations constituting the pattern of racketeering activity listed in 18 U.S.C. § 1961.

Corruption/Protecting Democracy